Vedanta has been heavily contaminated by Hinduism, or at least by the prevalent form of Hinduism. In its own right, it is one of the most beautiful things to have happened in my view - after the invention of language and before the advent of industrial revolution.
The only problem - it's not for the masses. When something is not appealing to the majority, it becomes very difficult to keep it alive, especially in its pure form.
Anyway, I'm not a purist, and if something is actually enhanced by having anything added to it, it is not bad either.
But that doesn't happen always.
In the subsequent pages, I'll be trying to present mainly the non-religious, non-emotional, maybe non-attractive form of Advaita Vedanta that many, but not all, of its proponents practiced and preached. I beg your pardon for any mistakes I make and will greatly appreciate your advice and suggestions.
सत्य और परोपकार का रास्ता ही वेदान्त का रास्ता है, और इस रास्ते पर चलने वाला हर व्यक्ति वेदान्ती है, फिर चाहे वो इस कहानी के नायक भगत जैसा निपट गँवार ही क्यों न हो!
"क्या इस तूफानी रात में आपकी झोपड़ी में एक अनजान मेहमान के लिए जगह है?" "घर की बात क्या करनी, दिल में है, फिर घर में तो बन ही जाएगी!"
The story of a kid whose courage and morals were invincible.
एक बालक की प्रेरणात्मक कहानी जिसका सत्य के प्रति प्रेम अनुपम व साहस अजेय थे।
Shackles, be those of iron or gold, serve just one purpose - tying you up, stopping you. And stopped, you are done!
ज़ंजीर चाहे लोहे की हो सोने की, दोनों का काम एक ही है - बांध लेना, रोक लेना। और जो रुक गए तो गए काम से!
Let's face it - there is so much pain in the world. Along with pleasure of course, but I've no problem with the latter! Why, for God's sake, why?
When there is competition between a yogi's charm and his determination, which will win?
The threefold division - everything is under the threefold division. What remains when there is no division?
The story of an unexpected helper to come in the life of great mathematician Bhaskaracharya.
भास्कराचार्य के गणित-प्रधान जीवन में अनपेक्षित ढंग से सहायिका बन के आने वाली उनकी धर्मपत्नी की कहानी
The thirst for truth and the efforts of the subconscious are both not visible to others. But their pain is severe and effect substantial. And when the time comes... these become unstoppable.
सत्य की प्यास और अन्तर्मन के प्रयास - ये दोनों ही दुनिया को अक्सर दिखाई नहीं पड़ते। लेकिन इनकी पीड़ा गहरी होती है और चोट घातक। और जब समय आता है... फिर रुकने वाले रुकते हैं कहाँ!
जब प्रतिस्पर्धा योगी के रूप और उसके निश्चय के बीच हो, तो विजयी कौन होगा?
The same old story - desires are not fulfilled in this world and all that blah blah. Read it for perhaps gaining some new insight into this age old wisdom.