If you think backwards in time you may make some sense out of this non-story. I haven't been able to... nEVER!
When there is competition between a yogi's charm and his determination, which will win?
जब प्रतिस्पर्धा योगी के रूप और उसके निश्चय के बीच हो, तो विजयी कौन होगा?
The story of an unexpected helper to come in the life of great mathematician Bhaskaracharya.
भास्कराचार्य के गणित-प्रधान जीवन में अनपेक्षित ढंग से सहायिका बन के आने वाली उनकी धर्मपत्नी की कहानी
Dwelling in Vedanta, one needs a bit of a knowledge of its books, champions and language.
Let's get to the basic physics of flying using a thrust that is less than the weight of the body. It's not only possible, but it's so natural that we should actually ask why do we need any thrust at all!
सत्य और परोपकार का रास्ता ही वेदान्त का रास्ता है, और इस रास्ते पर चलने वाला हर व्यक्ति वेदान्ती है, फिर चाहे वो इस कहानी के नायक भगत जैसा निपट गँवार ही क्यों न हो!
Vedanta - one of the highest pedestals of self-discovery, understanding and absolution. It's the most selfless form of selfishness!
एक बालक की प्रेरणात्मक कहानी जिसका सत्य के प्रति प्रेम अनुपम व साहस अजेय थे।
Archimedes' principle is straightforward, but let's see if there are other more natural explanations.
"क्या इस तूफानी रात में आपकी झोपड़ी में एक अनजान मेहमान के लिए जगह है?" "घर की बात क्या करनी, दिल में है, फिर घर में तो बन ही जाएगी!"
The story of a kid whose courage and morals were invincible.
The threefold division - everything is under the threefold division. What remains when there is no division?
Let's face it - there is so much pain in the world. Along with pleasure of course, but I've no problem with the latter! Why, for God's sake, why?
This page is the starting point for all science and technology related pages in Random Pearls, excluding general computer engineering topics which will be grouped under IT.
Shackles, be those of iron or gold, serve just one purpose - tying you up, stopping you. And stopped, you are done!
ज़ंजीर चाहे लोहे की हो सोने की, दोनों का काम एक ही है - बांध लेना, रोक लेना। और जो रुक गए तो गए काम से!
सत्य की प्यास और अन्तर्मन के प्रयास - ये दोनों ही दुनिया को अक्सर दिखाई नहीं पड़ते। लेकिन इनकी पीड़ा गहरी होती है और चोट घातक। और जब समय आता है... फिर रुकने वाले रुकते हैं कहाँ!
Presenting some of the coolest stories close to the idea of Vedanta
Presenting some of the stories that have been closest to my heart, most of them from my childhood. Each of these may or may not be from a Vedantic text - if not - it's still here because it's close to the idea of Vedanta, and because it's inspirational for Vedantins.
Also, these are my own renderings of the stories. So I need to disclaim any authenticity - the stories presented here can be quite different from their original versions whatever may those be.
The thirst for truth and the efforts of the subconscious are both not visible to others. But their pain is severe and effect substantial. And when the time comes... these become unstoppable.