"Whenever you can, share. You never know who all will be able to see far away standing upon your shoulders!"
I write mainly on topics related to science and technology.
Sometimes, I create tools and animation.
एक बालक की प्रेरणात्मक कहानी जिसका सत्य के प्रति प्रेम अनुपम व साहस अजेय थे।
Archimedes' principle is straightforward, but let's see if there are other more natural explanations.
In this chapter, we'll be looking at the description of recurrent neural network (RNN).
In this chapter, we will be sharpening our theoretical tools and sneak our way into the mathematics of neural networks.
From traditional regression to neural networks - it's not that big a leap as you might think. In this book, let's get a peek into this transition while appreciating how animal kingdom is already using this strategy. We will be taking help from our friend - intuition - time and again.
"क्या इस तूफानी रात में आपकी झोपड़ी में एक अनजान मेहमान के लिए जगह है?" "घर की बात क्या करनी, दिल में है, फिर घर में तो बन ही जाएगी!"
The story of a kid whose courage and morals were invincible.
The threefold division - everything is under the threefold division. What remains when there is no division?
Let's face it - there is so much pain in the world. Along with pleasure of course, but I've no problem with the latter! Why, for God's sake, why?
A very beautiful, counterintuitive and yet so simple puzzle! Have a look here, and see for yourself intuitively why it works.
Let's derive the probability equations that govern the predictions of the famous Monty Hall problem. Doing it for generalized number of total, closed and open doors gives us a better understanding and deeper satisfaction!
सब कुछ की चाह में है सब कुछ छोड़ दिया... अब फिर से सब कुछ के तलबगार बने बैठे हैं! एक कविता, एक जद्दोजहद!
Shackles, be those of iron or gold, serve just one purpose - tying you up, stopping you. And stopped, you are done!
ज़ंजीर चाहे लोहे की हो सोने की, दोनों का काम एक ही है - बांध लेना, रोक लेना। और जो रुक गए तो गए काम से!