See the Information Theory in a new light. Understand intuitively how the information of an event naturally relates to its probability and encoding
And, it's nice to know that understanding information theory helps in getting some of the aspects of machine learning as well.
Let's derive the probability equations that govern the predictions of the famous Monty Hall problem. Doing it for generalized number of total, closed and open doors gives us a better understanding and deeper satisfaction!
A very beautiful, counterintuitive and yet so simple puzzle! Have a look here, and see for yourself intuitively why it works.
Let's dissect one of the (if not the) most beautiful equations in mathematics.
Why do we use standard deviation at most places when we have conceptually easier to understand mean absolute division? Let's try to figure it out.
Find solution to a knight's tour problem starting with any position.
A simple 9x9 Sudoku Solver tool using backtracking. The current version runs on Python.